When traders are in the mood for more risk, they may generally pursue higher-yielding assets, such as stocks, since they may feel confident about chasing higher returns. However, when traders are not in the mood to take risks, they may put their money in safe-haven assets. Since investor sentiment or market sentiment is the aggregate […]
Category: Forex Trading
Jak i gdzie kupować amerykańskie akcje?
W przypadku instrumentów finansowych notowanych w innej walucie niż polski złoty, ewentualne zyski mogą ulec zwiększeniu lub zmniejszeniu wskutek zmian kursu walutowego. Więcej informacji o instrumentach finansowych i ryzyku z nimi związanym znajduje się w części “Ogólny opis istoty instrumentów finansowych oraz ryzyka związanego z inwestowaniem w instrumenty finansowe” Materiałów informacyjnych MiFID. Informacje te dostępne […]
Fibonacci Sequence: Definition, Formula, List and Examples
Fibonacci Sequence is the sequence of the number that is generated by adding the last two numbers of the term when the first term and the second term of the sequence are, 0 and 1. Thus, a male bee always has one parent, and a female bee has two. If one traces the pedigree of […]
The Power of Moving Average Crossovers: A Guide to Trading Strategies blog
Once again, it also makes sense to incorporate an element of price action into this triple EMA crossover strategy. When it comes to choosing which moving averages to utilise, traders will undoubtably want to find the magic numbers that will somehow provide the consistent trade strategy that the others do not have. However, it is […]
Liquidity in Forex: The Lifeblood Of Trading Markets Online Trading
These price movements can occur due to unexpected news, economic events, or changes in market sentiment. Traders who are quick to react to grab opportunities can take advantage imputed cost is a of these price fluctuations to make profitable trades. Sticking to the major currency pairs like EUR/USD or USD/JPY is a safer option during […]